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McClean is an easy-to-use disk cleaning utility. Delete .DS_Store files, .svn folders, .git files and folders and thumbs.db files in seconds. All deleted files and folders are recorded in the Result log.

Mac OS X automatically creates hidden .DS_Store files in every folder to store custom attributes of a folder such as the position of icons or the choice of a background image. It might look unprofessional and distract from the important files if you share folders with a Windows or other OS user - for example as a zip file – and send also these hidden system files.

Since .DS_Store files contain some vital folder information they can also be exploited to obtain information about system configurations. McClean will delete .DS_Store files from the given folder (and all subfolders) so that it can be safely shared as a zip file or uploaded to a web server.

.svn folders
.svn folders are generated by Subversion, a software versioning and a revision control system.

.git folders and .git* files
.git folders and .git* files a generated by Git, a distributed revision control system.

thumbs.db files
thumbs.db files are thumbnail cache files used to store thumbnail images for Windows Explorers thumbnail view.

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